the School App

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How to log in
Download the Edprime App
Easy to download from App store or Play store or scan the QR Code
Get Your Login detail by retrieve your login details”
Click "Retrieve Login Details" and choose either your registered email or OTP on your mobile number. Alternatively, log in with Facebook or Google for seamless access.
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App Rating and Reviews
5 out of 5 star rating and praise for both the Staff and Student App! Thank you for your valuable feedback and continued support.
We strive to provide the best experience for our users.
/ 5
7,800 Reviews

App Highlights
Get notified about online classes & school communication
Safe and Secure
Choose from different payment options like Net Banking, Credit, Debit Cards, Wallets, UPI
All in One App
From School information to learning a new language everything is covered in your palm.

Easy Navigation
Simple and self-explanatory to get your daily updates